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Does your program really operate outside in all types of weather? 

Yes. Unless it is unsafe (lightning storm, extreme cold, blizzard), or so unpleasant that children are not having a positive school experience, then we will be playing outside. As the Norwegians say, "There is no bad weather, just bad gear!"

What kinds of risks will my child be taking? 

As a member of Durango Forest School, your child will be near/and learning to tend fires, climbing trees, jumping rocks in the creek, scrambling up and down hillsides, whittling with knives (after a thorough safety course and parental permission!), sliding on ice, and engaging with the natural environment in a way that your child feels comfortable. They choose their own risks, if they are deemed safe by our team. As educators, our first priority is the safety of our students, and we will review each site before the children play to ensure everything is safe. We will "close" areas if they pose a real risk to the children.

Are your Learning Guides CPR/First Aid Certified and do you carry an adequate first aid kit?

Yes, there will always be at least one adult present who is CPR/FA certified, and we carry a robust first aid kit at all times.

What kind of gear will my child need?

In the warm months, we suggest water shoes (crocs/sandals with backs) for water play, as well as a sun hat. For winter, we suggest waterproof snow pants, a winter coat, boots, mittens/gloves, a hat, long underwear, and maybe a buff. For rainy days, we suggest rain pants and a rain jacket and rain boots. We have found that many children enjoy wearing tough overalls, such as Carhartts, for various weather situations. They will also need a water bottle and a backpack, which should hold their lunch and snack. 

Can my child attend 2 days a week instead of 4?

We understand that many families prefer this option. If enough families choose this option, we will try to accommodate them (for example, if one family prefers Mon/Wed, then we would need another family who can do Tues/Thurs.) We give priority to families who can commit to a full week, due to potential scheduling conflicts.

Do I have to pay tuition during breaks/when my child is absent?

 Yes, we will be following the norm of other local preschools and have a consistent billing schedule.

How do you integrate literacy and math?

To be very clear, we are NOT a kindergarten-preparation program. If that is something that is important to you, our program is not the right fit. Like most play-based programs, we integrate literacy and math by making natural connections with the children's interests. Throughout our day with children, we "sprinkle" math and literacy content into our play, for example, when stacking stones (counting, quantifying), making forts (shapes, spatial relationships), drawing with charcoal (numbers and letters), etc. Further, our community rituals integrate rhymes, patterns, alliteration, counting, shapes, quantifying, and numeral identification into songs, stories, poems, dances, and games. Again, please note that academic preparation is NOT our focus. Any academic integration that occurs is led by the children's interests and development. This is not a traditional preschool where children are directly taught academic content. We instead focus on building a strong foundation of skills through play, which will encourage and support the natural development of all future skills used in a typical school setting.

What does a day at forest school look like?

A typical day in our program may look like this:

10:00: Caregivers drop children off at play site

10:00-10:15: Morning Gathering (story, songs, news, talk about site/expectations, projects)

10:15-11:30: Nature Play and Exploration/Snack open

11:30-12:00: Lunch

12:00-1:45: Nature Play and Exploration/Snack Open

1:45-2:00: Closing Circle (story, songs, reflections)

2:00: Dismissal

Licensing and Insurance 


Durango Forest School is license-exempt because we focus on the single skill-building purpose of Nature Connection, which the children are engaged in for the entirety of their time with us. In our tech-obsessed world, learning how to connect with the natural world through authentic activity is an increasingly vital focus.

Because of the nature of our program, we carry a robust commercial general liability insurance plan. The safety of our students is our top priority, and we work to always maintain safe practices not only for our students and families but also for our teachers and school.

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